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Searched: Report date on 3/11/2025.
Showing 11 Records.    
Report DateStation NumberStateCountyScale BarCategoriesDescriptionView
3/11/2025  CT-NL-6 CTNew London Moderately Dry General Awareness
Very windy and very low humidity combined with not much Rain has made currant conditons more pronounced Only 0.48" for March here locally so far.  View
3/11/2025  CT-WN-26 CTWindham Moderately Dry General Awareness
Our area has been in a moderate drought since last Fall. We have a 7"+ water deficit for the current Water Year. 1.13" of rain so far this month. Fire danger is HIGH for the entire state.  View
3/11/2025  IN-RP-11 INRipley Near Normal General Awareness
Top soil is normal for this time of year.  View
3/11/2025  KY-CB-10 KYCampbell Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
The surface of the ground is becoming drier than normal; but the soil deeper below the ground is still a little bit moister than normal. Stream flow is below normal. Pond level near normal. The lawn is still browner than normal for this time of the year due to the colder than normal winter overall. Temperatures for the first 10 days of spring have been averaging close to normal with a couple of very cold days and a few mild days. Some daffodils are now coming up around the barn shed and a few trees are starting to bud which is a sing of early spring. Conditions are near normal now; but may approach mildly dry toward the end of this week before the significant rains come this week end and return the conditions back to normal again. Only a few hundredths of an inch of rain is forecasted for next Thursday for the next 4 days. The vegetation including the lawns are a bit browner than normal for this time of the year. Based on the 384 hrs. GFS, our region is likely to become moderately wet within the next 2 weeks due to torrential rains in the extended forecast.  View
3/11/2025  MI-MB-87 MIMacomb Near Normal General Awareness
normal temps, slightly cold due to wind ground conditions normal and dry.  View
3/11/2025  MN-SH-39 MNSherburne Severely Wet General Awareness
Clear and 26 Hi 44 Wind N 11 mph. The cool day of the week.  View
3/11/2025  NY-WY-11 NYWyoming Near Normal General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Sunny and cool with light winds, then mostly clear overnight with light winds. The high temperature was around fifty nine degrees, with a low around forty two degrees Fahrenheit. Songbirds are eating a feeder full every two days. Intermittent streams are flowing but have thick ice in areas. More songbirds here. Canadian Geese are around in larger flocks. Red-winged Blackbirds are back. Liquid manure is being spread.  View
3/11/2025  OH-LC-10 OHLicking Mildly Dry General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality
Precipitation to date for the 2024-2025 water year is o.68" below the normal 30-year average. Only 0.27" so far for March, normal is 3.53". Ground is a bit dry and humidity for the last few days has been low, only 44% this morning. Local streams appear to be running near normal levels. Some small indications for plants beginning to stir.  View
3/11/2025  OH-MM-13 OHMiami Near Normal General Awareness
We have had less than a half of inch of precipitation so far in March as we approach halfway through the month this weekend. Strong sun and strong winds will dry my area out in the next few days.  View
3/11/2025  OH-UN-4 OHUnion Mildly Dry Agriculture
No field activity, but easy to walk fields without picking up mud. Feels dry for March.  View
3/11/2025  WI-CB-4 WIColumbia Mildly Dry General Awareness
The past week I had 1.70" all rain but 2" of snow The ground was still frozen and rain off causing a lot of ponding in low spots to large lakes. Ditches, sloughs and marshes big and small all had water in them. The Baraboo River was above normal.  View
Showing 11 Records.